TT&B left the wolf room (8) "wanderers" again and visited the spider room (1)...........which was enough to do away with its poison bite of Mach the Horrendously Strong......who failed his Wis save to come back - and didnt - at least not this session........
Two small gems were recovered............
We finally encountered the wizard and thief(10)......a magic mouth told them to go away - so they dithered - then the "mystery man" was told to open the door a fraction and look (he successfully listened first)..................there then followed a long conversation about what could be seen in a room if a door was opened just to peep through...........resolved by the use of a real life door as a prop ..(this is one of the great things about gaming with kids - they think their characters have all sorts of innate abilities, usable at will)..........Galathrun and Lukas emerged into the room to be confronted by the wizard behind his desk and the thief skulking by the door (who wasnt spotted)...............(luckily for Lukas it didnt kick off or he would have got the sneak hit)
The wizard said - "Go away minions and mind your own business"...... so they did.............ok I thought being a kindly and just hostilities were initiated on either side so we'll leave it there for now......
We then investigated the goblin lair(2) of which there were 4 archers left - who positioned themselves cleverly in the two corners of the room opposite the door, having heard the party lumbering round, spiked it shut with whatever was to hand and took up defensive positions - arrows nocked.
A brief interlude followed while TT&B tried to get the door open...........5 minutes later the dice gods smiled on the remote chance and the door was splintered open to a storm of goblin arrows...well 8 in total, 4 hits...Lukas and Galathrun were both hit being the strong chaps opening the door.....they then split into two to go after the goblins - Lukas and Rowenta in one corner, Fergus and Galathrun the other - 3 goblins were slain and some randomly generated loot garnered.....
Rowenta used both her cures and Fergus one of his and most folk were mended........
Hurrah but a bit of moping about Mach......a bit of randomly generated Goblin treasure - duly written on notes sheet was snapped up.........lottery win - noted on neatly kept loot paper.....
We then went and re-investigated the "slime room"(5)having had a conversation about not ordering clerics to heal but asking them nicely ......and the view expressed "on Pukemon I dont do heal till they have 1hp".......
My reply somewhat exasperated reply- "Forget pukemon - most people wont carry on on 1hp"..........Pukemon has a lot to answer for it seems.......still we seem to be making headway.....
The secret panel was spotted by Fergus...... - Lukas and Elyra having taken some damage from a swim in the slime pool = one unhappy wizardette.....
We had some dithering on the platform around what to do with the locked panel and how to get it open......decided we couldnt be a**ed to think about it and expressed an interest in the shaft the gnome had looked at..........
Carefully ignoring the rusty iron spike we used our grapnel attached to the side of the pit and rope to descend......Elyra had a near miss but they all got down safely......
Out of the hall and onto TD Level 2- we went "up" and around the corridor to the statue room (25)...........more dithering ........eventually we decided to try firing a crossbow bolt at the statues arms.........nothing......(not surprisingly!!!)
"Perhaps the join implies they're meant to be moved" suggested the soggy and unhappy MU - who really was having a bad day in the TD so far........
Hurrah - we got the skeleton warrior - who got some awful attack rolls and failed to hit even one of his statues.....Lukas cleverly used his warhammer and the d30 rule without prompting and the skeleton warrior was bone splinters...............HTA took the sword (amended to a large broadsword of masterful quality... +1 to hit and damage)...........I dont want to overload them with magic before hitting the mean kingdoms of Albion ...........
They carelessly completely ignored the antique half plate armour as well..........
Next the gnome was sent to scout along the passageway leading to the ogre hall (16)..............came back with a report of "a figure at the end of the passage" having made his skulkiness roll............
We then boldly marched up to the kobold sentry - who alerted his fellows - which led to a bit of a dialogue about "a figure" meaning human and therefore friendly, I wasnt about to describe it if he didnt ask and he didnt - legged it down past the Zombies room .....paused trap got set off and we decided to turn and fight.............
More dithering and a rush by a a dozen kobolds - the bigger ones in reserve with the ogre - (which the party were unaware of)
Elyra the Unhappy to the rescue (again) with a sleep - did ten of them -all dispatched sliced with shiny new sword and the other one legged it.
Then the zombie trap was sprung - having passed their room - (with nowhere to go I thought I'd reward the Too Much Effort Cant Be A*sed with a little surprise) - however the dice gods REALLY were smiling on TT&B this week ..............the zombies shuffled out ............BOTH Fergus and Rowenta succeeded in turning them at a penalty because of the evil cleric
(I decided they got half each and being in slightly different spots with different lines of sight) ...
(the first ever roll of the d12 came up 12 - followed by 10)..........anyway............half the zombies went back in the room ....away...pushing past their creator...and nowhere to go...............the other half shambled along the corridor ...........into where the ogre and reserves were waiting in ambush.......
Back to the room - a moment of tactical insight occured which is that flawless I really cant find fault with.......Lukas, Galathrun and the Gnome Ashnut were nominated to go into the room and smite the cleric while Fergus and Rowenta tried to counter any undoing of their turning efforts.................
The idea seems to have been got from some browser game of other that thieves are good at fighting...........most odd..........
The cleric decided he'd rather regain control of what was left of his undead shield - not unreasonably - and succeeded with the half dozen he could now see - only to be countered by BOTH the party clerics again.........who both scored more than he did..........cowering zombies............cleric couldnt do anything having tried to get his followers in order.......
Large broadsword non proficient was swung - 20 - critical - and a natural 20 is always a natural 20 after all - 24 damage to Evil Cleric in one go......gout, gout splurgle....
Much rushing round and an impromptu cabaret ensued.......he was that pleased .............
Evil cleric was dispatched permanently no chances to beg or grovel for mercy .....................and thats where we left it - because tea time happened
– and Mummys word drowns out all others and must be obeyed....;-)
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